The Benefits of Color Analysis

Color harmony in makeup and wardrobe choices offers several personal benefits, contributing to an individual's overall style, confidence, and self-expression. Here are some key advantages:


Enhanced Facial Features: Choosing makeup colors that harmonize with your skin tone and undertones enhances your natural features, creating a more balanced and flattering look.

Versatility: Understanding color harmony allows for versatile makeup looks. You can create a range of styles, from natural and subtle to bold and vibrant, while maintaining a cohesive and harmonious appearance.

Expressive Self-Image: Makeup colors can be a powerful form of self-expression. By selecting harmonious colors, you can convey different moods and aspects of your personality through your makeup choices.

Confidence Boost: Wearing makeup that complements your overall look can boost confidence. Feeling good about how you look can positively impact your self-esteem and interactions with others.

Professional Appearance: In professional settings, well-coordinated makeup that aligns with your wardrobe and the context can contribute to a polished and professional appearance.

Photogenic Appeal: Harmonious makeup colors can enhance your photogenic appeal. Whether in casual snapshots or professional photos, a well-balanced makeup palette can look flattering in various lighting conditions.


Personal Style Enhancement: Color harmony in your wardrobe allows you to develop a personal style that is visually cohesive and reflects your individual taste and preferences.

Efficient Dressing: A coordinated wardrobe makes it easier to mix and match pieces, saving time and effort in choosing outfits. This efficiency is particularly valuable in busy or hectic situations.

Flattering Silhouettes: Harmonious color choices can create visually appealing silhouettes. Understanding how colors interact can help highlight or minimize certain areas, contributing to a more flattering overall appearance.

Adaptability: A well-thought-out color palette ensures that your wardrobe is adaptable to different occasions. Whether it's a casual outing, a professional setting, or a formal event, you can maintain a consistent and harmonious style.

Emotional Well-Being: Colors have psychological effects, and wearing harmonious colors that resonate with your mood or intentions for the day can contribute to a positive emotional state and overall well-being.

Coordinated Accessories: Understanding color harmony extends to accessories. Coordinating accessories with your outfit enhances the overall look and attention to detail.

Timeless Style: By investing in a wardrobe with a harmonious color palette, you're more likely to create a timeless and enduring style that doesn't succumb to fleeting fashion trends.

In both makeup and wardrobe choices, color harmony is a valuable tool for personal expression, confidence-building, and the creation of a visually pleasing and cohesive overall aesthetic.

Collapsible content

Private Consultation: $400

  • 90 minute in-person RDG Color Analysis using color draping and powerpoint discussion on color applications
  • 30 minute virtual followup within 1 week of the Color Analysis Consultation

Private Virtual Consultation: $475 (a laptop ring light is essential)

  • 15 minute virtual meeting to gather preliminary information for an RDG Color Analysis
  • Samples of Color Swatches are mailed for the virtual Color Analysis
  • 75 minute RDG Color Analysis and powerpoint discussion on color applications conducted via Zoom meeting
  • 30 minute virtual followup within 1 week of the Color Analysis Consultation

Small Group In-Person Consultation: $350 per person

  • 2.5 hour in-person RDG Color Analysis using color draping for a group of 2 to 4 women, with time divided equally among each woman
  • 45-minute Powerpoint discussion on color applications
  • 30-minute virtual followup within 2 weeks of the Color Analysis Consultation per person, a laptop ring light is essential.

Color Packet: $150

Contains 24 fabrics in the 3 Rhoda Design Group palettes to guide you into colors that harmonize with your skin tone and help you coordinate your wardrobe for a polished presence