Discover the power of color with the RDG Signature Color Analysis Session—a transformative experience designed to elevate your personal style.
If you've ever felt uncertain about choosing the right colors, or want to refresh your style and sharpen your personal brand, this session is a game-changer. It’s not just about picking the right shades; it’s about investing in yourself. Our color analysis helps you avoid costly fashion mistakes and impulse purchases to curate a wardrobe that enhances your mood and complexion, and boosts your confidence. By reflecting a polished and cohesive personal brand, you become more approachable and authentically you.
Invest in your style, confidence, and personal brand with one of our Signature Color Analysis Sessions.
Ready to discover the colors that perfectly harmonize with your skin tone and personality? Let's elevate your style together.
Collapsible content
Custom Color Analysis: $1000
- Introduction to the Influence of Color Psychology
- Comprehensive Color Analysis
- Tailored Color Styling Recommendations
- Expert Makeup and Hair Color Suggestions
- Personalized Color Palette
- 30-minute Followup Session
Personal Virtual Color Analysis: $500 (bright lighting is essential)
- 15 minute virtual meeting to gather preliminary information for the RDG Signature Color Analysis
- Samples of Color Swatches are mailed for the virtual Color Analysis Session
- 75 minute RDG Color Analysis and powerpoint discussion on color applications conducted via Zoom meeting
- 30 minute virtual followup
Small Group Color Analysis: $350 per person
- 2.5 hour in-person RDG Color Analysis Session using color draping for a group of 3 women or men, with time divided equally among each
- 45-minute Powerpoint discussion on color applications
- 30-minute virtual followup within 2 weeks of the Color Analysis Consultation per person. Bright lighting is essential.
Color Packet: $150
Contains 24 fabrics in the 3 Rhoda Design Group palettes to guide you into colors that harmonize with your skin tone and help you coordinate your wardrobe for a polished presence
Color Packets
Color Packets
Color Therapists and Color Psychologists prove that color helps give stress relief, reduce depression,...