Beauty and Branding

Beauty and Branding

I hope you are doing well. 
I wanted to share this conversation I was blessed to have today, I hope it inspires you:
Have you seen The Rachel & Ron Show yet?
We just taped episode #5 with this most inspiring and beautiful human, 
Rhoda Johnson
 -- mother, grandmother, entrepreneur, beauty + brand expert, innovator + creator, friend. Thank you for joining us this morning and for sharing with us the depth of branding and beauty, Rhoda! So grateful for you!! ❤
Join us for fun and deep discussions about the things that affect women entrepreneurs most -- that they don't teach you in Entrepreneur School!
Today's special guest is Rhoda Johnson - Hollywood trained Image Brand Strategist and Makeup Artist, and founder of Rhoda Design Group. We'll be chatting about how to align your virtual presence to the impact you aim to create:
         Kind Regards, Rhoda
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